You And Me Too

There was never a going back.
It was all just pretend.
A figment of our minds.
Thrust into reality for a moment or two.
Only to disintegrate,
Back into the realm of imagination.
And everything that was palpable.
And so very true blue.
Everything that we grasped onto,
Everything we depended on.
Just seems so phony.
It just seems so worthless.
This waste of time has stung me,
With the worthlessness of,
A once meaningful task.
The ways in which you affected me,
Are now the things that have become me, you.
And so with everything that you have made me into.
A monster, a creature.
With blood red eyes and murky heart.
With sharped senses and sandpaper skin.
Begins to form me.
The being I am.
I guess there was never really a going back.
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