I've been slipping through all my old memories, the ones of you and me, and the times we lied together on the couch and watched Law and Order and all those cooking shows. And how i secretly only wanted to watch HgTv because I knew that Candace Olsen was on, and she's my favorite designer. And all those times you didn't stick up for me in front of your mom's boyfriend when he mocked me with Jumbo still dribbling from the corners of his mouth. And all those times that we did what you wanted to do and not what i wanted to do, like waiting for you for hours in the cold, sniffling in my eskimo parka. Or how you left me outside the town hall. Getting drunk instead of loving me. Your not real to me anymore. I've neglected my feelings and thoughts for so long that I coerced myself into missing you, into wanting you back.
Too bad I was a fool. I could have waisted my time on someone so much cooler than you.
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